Monday, April 23, 2012

Write Like Shakespeare, part deux

Shakespeare's Birthplace

Last April, I wrote a blog post on how to write like Shakespeare. I never thought it would garner the interest it has, but even now, two months after I started my new website, that post still gets multiple hits a week.

It's Shakespeare's birthday again, and I've written another post with tips on how to write like Shakespeare. Come on over to my new blog and take a look!

Monday, April 9, 2012

His Good Opinion Free + Giveaway

Yes, His Good Opinion is free again today in the Kindle store. I'm adding a little bit of fun into the day this time around--if you tweet/Facebook/blog about my free day, you'll be entered into a giveaway for a paperback copy of His Good Opinion.

Come over to my new website for the details!