
Thursday, December 1, 2011


Today is one of my favorite days of the year. No, it's not my birthday, or Christmas. (Um, hopefully you knew that already.)

Today is December 1, which means NaNoWriMo is officially done for another year! I love this event, I do, but it is also exhausting, both mentally and physically. I work far too many late, late nights trying to reach my word count, cheer on my region, and oh yeah! This year I added publishing a novel into the mix.

Side note: I will never again publish in November. There are 11 other months of the year when I can release books. It is simply insane to add all that extra work into an already packed month.

However! I am also excited because despite everything else vying for my attention, I am a NaNoWriMo Winner!! I'm thinking of buying the tshirt, which I've never done in the past. This year... I think I deserve it.

So, friends, I ask you: How did November treat you? If you were writing, did you reach 50K? And finally, what is your favorite day of the year?

(Oh, and also... after I wrote this blog post yesterday, I got a fantastic package in the mail. Two copies of my book, in paperback!! There will be more on this tomorrow over at

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